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Red china in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2017-11-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mainland chinafried chickena bull in a china shopchinakachinachinamanindochinachina roseMeaning: n. a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world. 
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1. Is Red China Ever Green?
2. Most news organizations are in retreat, shuttering bureaus and laying off journalists. But the former "Red China News Agency" doesn't need to worry about the inconvenience of turning a profit.
3. Soviet industries, when I visited Red China, were all handicraft.
4. The communist government of Red China will sell the organs even if he has AIDS.
5. Including Red China lobby colonnade, red cloth interior rooms and gold tableware, fully filled with festivity.
6. It would have forced Red China to pull their resource from N Korea to the south.
7. The soviets renamed a county of their Red China after him - Chih - tan hisen .
8. Xinhua got its start in 1931 as the Red China News Agency, even before the Communist Party gained power in 1949.
9. In neighboring Hong Kong, tourist buses would deliver groups of camera-toting Americans and Japanese to the border to catch a glimpse of "Red China" on the other side.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. Red China is the most appropriate color to match the old one.
11. So let'skeep exporting our jobs to Communist Red China and see what happens.
12. They lent the money to the US so it can fund it day to day operation including investing in weapon technology to fend off the red china in the future.
13. This award, given vision and perseverance, perseverance, and the birth of the world in 1956, and Red China is destined to bring trouble to give the Chinese people.
14. The PDRY established close ties with the Soviet Union, Red China, Cuba, and radical Palestinians.
15. America... once the Arsenal of Democracy is now dependent upon red china for everything from drywall to circuit boards. We will pay dearly for our greed one day.
16. Perhaps nationalism has succeeded Communism as the creed of Red China, but its rulers show signs of wanting to make their country a good citizen of the world.
17. Unbeknownst to most of the country, the plane flew over North Vietnam , Red China, North Korea , the Middle East, South Africa , Cuba , Nicaragua , Iran , Libya (, and the Falkland Islands .
18. [The government is] looking at this as the branding of the new China: red China going green.
19. The author and New York Times columnist argued this week that the most important global development of the past 18 months was that Red China became Green China.
20. The strategic alternative, enlargement of the war in Korea to include Red China, would probably delight the Kremlin more than anything else we could do.
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